Senior Year

   at Nemo Academy


 At the beginning of the school year we were presented with 3 themes :
At the restaurant
A day at the beach
Mountain trip
We had to choose one of them and start developing a story around it, that story was then going to become our personal animated short. 
Once we came up with a valid story we would move on to storyboard, then (chosen two artists to keep as reference for the style) design the environment, characters, props and so on and so forth, 
all the way to the final product: 
a 1 minute animatic with at least 7 seconds of clean composited animation. 
I couldn’t pick one theme out of the blue 
so I decided to try and come up with a story each, starting with 

At the restaurant
A young couple is walking joyfully down a city street, it’s almost noon and they know that only a few more steps away there’s that tiny restaurant they both love. 
Reached the door they both stop in front of it. On the door there’s a sign they never payed much attention to before: “no dogs allowed”.
The little French bulldog is left alone, tied to a pole, he’s surrounded by unknown giants that want to touch him, there’s loud noises all around and no place to hide. 
The puppy will need to overcome these fears and in the end realize that being left outside alone is not that bad.  

A day at the beach
An ordinary day at the beach from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
Every hour of the day represented by three fast sketches, each through three different types of characters, giving us a different point of view for every hour: first we have the old couple, then the average suburban family and finally the young adult.
How will their beach day look like?

Last the story I ended up developing,
Mountain trip
It’s a beautiful sunny day, summer is almost over but the weather seems to disagree, the mountain woods are warm and glowing, the birds are singing joyfully and three birdwatchers (or twitchers) are planning of making the most out of their mountain trip.
Little do they know that something from the darkest depths of those woods is following them, each step of the way, getting closer and closer.

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